
Nginx Free TLS certificate

Today I learn that there is free TLS Certificate authority we can use to secure our web  Lets Encrypt  and  the tools for registering it  Certbot . To relearn how imporant and how https works in funny comic style visit I follow this awesome tutorial to secure my nginx web using certbot I cant believe we only need to run this two commands for my running web. sudo snap install --classic certbot sudo certbot --nginx -d your_domain -d your_domain It adjust our nginx sites-enabled config. and even register the cron to extend the certificate expiration automatically.

Personal Web Revamp

This is self appreciation post for completing my personal web v2, the project I procrastinate for 3 years ( )  Why? Need to expand the web purpose, to not only showcasing portfolio, but to show blogs, so I can learn writing more. Explore new technology for better web UI and performance. How? Research Blog Platform Available options such as : self host, blogspot, wordpress, and medium. After long time contemplation, I decide to choose blogspot , because :  forever hosted free (unlike self host) low quality content friendly (unlike medium) easier to setup because I have current blogspot for 10 years. Research Technology Problem from old web :  no separation of backend and frontend (laravel blade for UI) old backend framework (laravel 5) need to explore more FE because I used free bootstrap template with minimum customization. after spend many times googling,  I decide to explore this in new web:  Separate backend and frontend stack. Using late...

Nginx Cache

 Today I learn nginx feature to cache the web response. Reference : several cache config that I think useful are cache size, cache ttl, cache condition & key, cache background update, cache lock / singleflight, and header cache status information. combined it may looks like this  proxy_cache_path /var/cache/adibiarso levels=1:2 keys_zone=adibiarso_cache:10m max_size=200m inactive=10m use_temp_path=off; location / { proxy_cache adibiarso_cache; proxy_cache_key "$request_uri"; proxy_cache_valid 200 404 1m; proxy_cache_use_stale error timeout http_500 http_502 http_503 http_504; proxy_cache_background_update on; proxy_cache_lock on;      add_header X-Cache-Status $upstream_cache_status; proxy_pass; } Breakdown proxy_cache_path option to set file cache location, directory level, max size, and inactive state

Golang Interface Pattern

Today I learn golang interface patterns from this article : , one of the interesting section is client-side interface pattern, and I wonder how it would looks for " Caller Side Interface Pattern". In this post I try to visualize and summarize it. Client Side Interface Pattern The idea of client-side interface pattern is to put the interface type on client package. by doing this, we only write interface once for all controllers,  less freedom when writing caller code. package controller import "project/usecase" func New(u usecase.Usecase) *controller { return &controller{ u, } } type controller struct{ u usecase.Usecase } func (c *controller) InsertData() { c.u.InsertDataToDB() } package usecase func New() Usecase { return &usecase{} } type Usecase interface{ InsertDataToDB() } type usecase struct{} func (u *usecase) InsertDataToDB(){ return } Caller Side Interface P...

Belajar Laravel

Bagi para developer web, nama "Laravel" sudah tidak asing lagi didengar. Laravel adalah salah satu framework PHP yang memudahkan developer untuk membangun aplikasi berbasis web. Berbeda dari CodeIgniter dan framework lainnya. Laravel memiliki keunggulan yang katanya memungkinkan penulisan kode lebih singkat dan rapih. Berikut bookmark referensi yang saya gunakan untuk memulai menggunakan laravel.